Posted July 31, 2020
Older Adults and Technology: Moving Beyond the Stereotypes
Susan Nash, Stanford Center on Longevity
Older People and the Use of ICTs to Communicate with Children and Grandchildren
Ivan, L. & Fernández-Ardèvol, M. (2017). Transnational Social Review: A social work journal, 7(1), 41-55.
Aging in place in a mobile world: New media and older people’s support networks L. Baldassar, R. Wilding, P. Boccagni & L. Merla (2017), Transnational Social Review, 7:1, 2-9
For my elderly immigrant parents, the pandemic has exposed the digital literacy gap
Vivian Song, The Globe & Mail, April 24 2020
Evolving Internet Use Among Canadian Seniors
Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, Statistics Canada
Jordan Davidson and Christoph Schimmele, July 10 2019